Writing/ Rewriting

Picture of fingers typing on laptop keyboard

Jim Jermanok occasionally accepts commissions to write or rewrite screenplays/teleplays. He excels at turning good movie ideas into salable scripts that can enthrall audiences. His thorough understanding of the ingredients required to create great and entertaining films enables him to translate a mediocre script or idea into one, complete with an engrossing story, distinctive voice, wit, humor, and vivid, three-dimensional characters.

What Is A Screenplay?

“A screenplay is a form of creative writing. Structured like a play, flowing like music, it consists of 120 pages or so of dialogue and a few sparse stage directions that will act as the creative impetus for everything that is to come. Ideas come from within and without. It’s partly a need to communicate something about the human condition, to communicate to people who might have the same experiences, feel the same emotions, or who are influenced and impacted by the same stories. Part of the writer’s job is to find the idea that will speak to millions” (excerts from Writing a Great Screenplay).

Transform Your Idea or Screenplay

Hollywood executives continually lament the lack of fresh, creative screenplays. According to Candy Monteiro, Producer of Monteiro Rose in Los Angeles, “The ideal writer is the one that has a great concept, a great story and can execute it. Usually, you get one of those things,” (from the article Writing a Great Screenplay). If Jim takes on your writing project, he turns your great idea into a great story. Jim is an expert at creating brilliant characters and compelling plots in great a screenplay.

Picture of The Script

If you are interested in Jim Jermanok’s writing services,
please contact Colleen Bent via the contact form